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Euonymus planipes
In Stock
(Spindle) An unusual garden plant, Euonymus planipes is native to Korea, Northern Japan, Sakhalin Island, Eastern Siberia and has masses of showy, bright purplish-scarlet fruit in autumn.
(For any number of plants sent by courier)
Standard: £5.95 | Priority: £15 | Click & Collect: free |
*Surcharges apply for delivery to Highlands & Islands.
(For any number of plants sent by courier)
Standard: £5.95
Shipped within 2-3 working days
Priority: £15
Shipped ASAP
Click & Collect: free
+5% discount
*Surcharges apply for delivery to Highlands & Islands.
An unusual garden plant, Euonymus planipes is native to Korea, Northern Japan, Sakhalin Island, Eastern Siberia and has masses of showy, bright purplish-scarlet fruit in autumn. These fruit weep gracefully from the branches and split open to reveal bright orange seed.
Once established, the large, lush green leaves also have excellent autumn colour, turning deep red or plum purple before falling. Euonymus planipes is also know for its distinctive, long, pointed mahogany coloured buds in spring before the leaves emerge.
Not for instant gratification but an unusual, showy garden plant with very ornamental fruit once established!
- Position: Full sun or partial shade.
- Soil: Any fertile soil.
- Hardiness: Hardy.
- Flowering Period: April - May.
- Flower Colour: Greenish-yellow
- Rate of Growth: Slow until established, then moderate.
- Habit: Euonymus planipes grows to be a medium sized or eventually large, elegantly branching shrub.
- Height: Eventually 2.5 m (8 ft) - 3 m (10 ft).
- Spread: 3 m (10 ft).
- Notes: The fruit are toxic and should not be eaten. This plant was formerly named Euonymus sachalinensis.
- How Much Sun
- Full Sun, Light Shade
- Eventual Size
- Shrub - Medium (1.5m - 3m), Shrub - Large (3m+)
- Growing Conditions
- Soil: Acid, Soil: Not Fussy, Soil: Alkaline, Soil: Damp/Wet
- Special Features
- Autumn Colour, Fruit - Ornamental, Rare and Unusual
7 Items
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