When ordering plants from our website, you agree to abide by our Terms and Conditions.

1.0 Plant availability

The plants on our website are generally in stock when you place your order. Occasionally, the availability of these plants can be affected by adverse weather conditions and external factors beyond our control. If a plant on your order is out of stock, we will contact you by telephone or email before taking payment to confirm when the plant will become available if you wish to reserve it in advance, or to arrange a substitution.

We will not substitute plants without contacting you first. Sizes and measurements of plants on our website are approximate as they can vary significantly in size between seasons. Plant pot sizes may vary from time to time from the approximate sizes stated online. We will however supply the best plants currently available.

2.0 Plant pricing

Every effort is made to maintain prices on our nursery, website and in our catalogue but we reserve the right to change them without notice.

3.0 Payment

Unless an account has been established with us, our terms are payment with order. We reserve title to all stock until paid for in full. In the case of non-payment, stock will be recovered and should be in good order. For goods purchased for delivery by our mail order service, your credit card will be charged on the day we pack and send the plants. We accept no liability if a delivery is delayed because you did not give us the right payment details.

We will take all reasonable care to keep all information connected with your order secure but we cannot be held liable for any loss that you may suffer if a third party obtains unauthorised access to any data, including credit and account details you provide when accessing or ordering from this Web Site, unless this is solely due to our negligence.

4.0 Delivery

Please ensure that your delivery information is accurate and that you include a safe location where the plants can be left should you not be in when they arrive if such a location exists. We cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage to the plants once they have been delivered in accordance with your delivery instructions.

We cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage to the goods if we are given an incorrect or incomplete delivery address. Please ensure that delivery details are as accurate and detailed as possible, as these are the details which will be forwarded to our couriers!

Once your plants are packed and ready, they will be dispatched using an overnight courier. Deliveries can take place at any time between 8am and 6pm. We are not able to specify an exact delivery time!

Expected delivery dates are not guaranteed. If delivery is delayed due to any cause beyond our reasonable control, we will contact you to advise you that the delivery date will have to be extended.

5.0 Plant Reservations

We are are happy to reserve plants which have been paid for to be delivered later in the year. To do this please call our office or use our website and leave a message on the order form along the lines of 'please delay delivery until October' or similar. We will then arrange this for you when it arrives.

6.0 Promotions

Promotions or special offers featured on our website are only valid for plants ordered via the website or by telephone and do not apply to plants purchased on our nursery in person.

Promotions or special offers featured on our nursery are only valid for plants ordered whilst visiting our nursery and do not apply to plants purchased via our website or by telephone. Promotions or special discounts codes are mutually exclusive unless otherwise stated.

7.0 Guarantee

We guarantee to replace plants which die within a year of purchase after delivery or collection, providing they have been cared for correctly after delivery and the blame can fairly and reasonably be attributed to our Nursery.

We will not replace plants which have been damaged or killed by events or conditions completely beyond our control such as extremes of weather (water-logging in your garden, flooding, breaking in wind, snow damage, etc), garden pests/disease problems endemic to your garden (aphids, mildew, honey fungus, etc), negligence on your part (not protecting young plants from late spring frosts once in leaf, not watering plants sufficiently in dry weather, hitting it with a lawnmower, etc).

8.0 Returns / Replacements

We take pride in the quality of the plants we supply. If you have any reason to be dissatisfied with your order when it arrives it will be dealt with personally and sympathetically. We must, however, reserve the right to refuse to replace plants damaged in transit free of charge unless you notify us of the problem, in writing, within fourteen days of receipt of the plant in question.

If your plant has died within a year of purchase and you feel that it is due to a fault with the plant, rather than weather conditions, or events as described in (7.0 Guarantee) please telephone our office on (01530) 413700 or email us at sales@bluebellnursery.com with a photo of the plant in question.

The failed plant will need to be returned to our nursery or alternatively if this is not possible we will require a photo of the dead plant in order to replace it. Please do not throw away a dead plant without letting us know/taking a photo as we cannot replace a plant without it!

If you have ordered the incorrect plant or change your mind and wish to return a plant which you have received, please notify us by calling our office on (01530) 413700 or emailing us at sales@bluebellnursery.com within 14 days of delivery.

Please note, we will not refund the original delivery cost or reimburse you for the cost of returning an item to us.

Until we receive the plants you are returning, they are your responsibility and if the plant has been damaged we reserve the right to withhold a percentage of the refund value if the plant needs to be reduced in price for resale. Once the plant has been returned safely a refund will be issued or alternatively credit to be used against other plants on our website if you prefer.

Important Mail Order Info: If in the unlikely event that a plant should be damaged on delivery, there will be no postage to pay when we send a replacement. If a plant fails later on but within a year of purchase and is replaced free of charge, the normal postage charge will apply.

9.0 Cookies

Like many websites, www,bluebellnursery.com makes use of cookies. We use cookies in order to make the website easier to use, to support the provision of information and functionality to you, as well as to provide us with information about how bluebellnursery.com is used so that we can make sure it is as up to date, relevant and error free as we can.

Using bluebellnursery.com means you agree to our use of cookies. You can choose to restrict or block cookies set on bluebellnursery.com through your browser settings at any time. For more information about how to do this, and about cookies in general, you can visit www.allaboutcookies.org Please be aware that restricting or blocking cookies set on bluebellnursery.com may impact the functionality or performance of the website.

10.0 Privacy policy

At Bluebell Nursery we take your privacy seriously.

When you make an order on our website, we need to take relevant details to allow us to process it successfully. We require the following information to process your order:

1) Email Address

2) Telephone number (so we can contact you to discuss the plants, arrange a suitable delivery date, etc.)

3) Billing address

4) Delivery Address (if different to billing)

5) Payment Details

Your address and telephone number will be passed on to our current courier company to allow them to deliver your order (they will call you if they have trouble finding the delivery location) and our current website payment provider who process the online payments for us (Sagepay).

Data is retained for purposes of accounting, taxation and customer service. We do not sell or pass on your information to other businesses and do not use personal data for targeted marketing. Access to the data is limited to authorised employees only.

You have the right to ask us to delete all information held on you by Bluebell Arboretum and Nursery. To request this, please email sales@bluebellnursery.com. Please be aware that if you need to use our guarantee on a plant after making this request, you must be able to provide a full receipt or proof of plants purchased.

For any further information on our terms & conditions or privacy policy please do not hesitate to email us at: sales@bluebellnursery.com

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